If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

It would have been cool if the mouse actually did something besides run around in circles.

5456d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5456d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Uncharted sells that many copies I think its worth it. I think it will be the next name game. Actually it is the next big name game what am I talking about? Its such a fun game to play even more so now that is has online multiplayer to go with it.

5465d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to take more breaks from video games since college, but I dont think I will ever lose interest in video games. I have been playing video games since I was like four. Now that every console has online features it keeps me coming back to also socialize with other gamers.

5466d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

KZ2 wasnt really that fun for me. Actually I never even finished the game lol. I just couldnt stay interested. As for Uncharted that was a fun game and one of my ps3 favorites. Now that I played Uncharted 2 beta I know the multiplayer is going to be fun aswell as the single player. KZ2 doesnt have the fun factor and I know I will get alot of disagrees for that comment. I have played alot of entertaining games and KZ2 failed to do that for me.

5467d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you have to be 18+ to click on the link?

5467d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really doesnt make any sense... I dont think most Americans such as myself take things like that in a game too seriously at all. This article just used that to get more views plain and simple. LAME! Pretty funny its posted by someone named london. Sorry buddy but we dont get our panties in a bunch over something like that. If they do get mad they probably arent all there in the head. Now if it was promoting people to go out and do this it may be an issue. But this kind of stuff happens in Hol...

5468d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are we headed to a world that cant laugh at joke because it offends them. Its a joke about a gaming console seriously. I dont want to see anymore comments about how this shouldnt have been approved. You dont run this site and it was actually fun to read so stfu you eeyores. This deserved to be approved because it made me smile :).

Edit: To comment before me what makes you think this person needs to get a life? I bet if this was about football or some other hobby you wouldnt ha...

5474d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vanhalen you need to stop listening to grandma edna's night time stories she tells you. You got some serious issue's, and I hope poverty hits you one day if it hasnt. I dont see why people even bother to care about people like you anyway. I'm just as tired of hearing from people like you as your tired oh hearing about Obama. People like you cry about everything and dont do sh*t about it and even worst you protest people who do try. Your a waste of breath and Im sure you will see that someday ...

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The main thing I question about xbox 360 capacity is the DVD9 capabilities.

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I swear some of you are the most ignorant @$%#'s... Jesus no one paid the president to say playstation. Maybe you realy need to lay off the gaming if you start thinking of that kind of conspiracy. Just because he worded it that way doesnt mean he's aiming at Sony in general. If you have any logic at all I would think you would know what the playstation represents. On the other hand by the disagree's will represent how many clueless people we have on this site.

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny how this popped up because my xbox 360 just broke again. I think Im going to give her one more chance though. Even though I had said this like four times already. Most people would just say I'm done with this s$%t and move on to something else. But me being the dummy for love that I'am, I keep coming back for more. I mean she provides some of the best games a man could ask for.

Ok you might disagree with me, but white consoles turn me on some reason. Except the wii everyo...

5484d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

One reason I stick to Xbox as an American instead of Sony. If this where Xbox we would have these features already. Because ps3 was made in japan some of the features will come out for japan only for awhile. Not that I dont like my ps3 but I enjoy getting things first or at the same time.

Such as we didnt get the first 3 Final fantasy games released. But at least we get this feature now. But we still had to wait longer.

5542d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I love both my consoles but I would have chose 360 first. Only reason for that is so that I can chat to 8 of my friends at the same time while playing different games. Now if friends and group chatting wasnt an issue.... I would have to go with the PS3 so I could watch Blue ray, play online for free, download PS1+ classic games, and have extra web browser. Both have pros and cons, so I own both so I have all the pros :D.

5550d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did this guy explain this incorrectly? Because Im not picking up what hes putting down. Common sense would tell you that this is just not going to work, at least not anytime soon.

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now thats what you call a kick *** bundle. Modern Warfare 2: Prestige edition > Halo 3 Legendary edition. DUDE!! You can actually use that for something. Like watch girls pee in the bushes at night. Then go home and play Modern warfare 2. Omg must buy...

5550d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank god because the longer its in development the better in my opinion. I think they should wait for the new consoles from Microsoft, Sony, (or Nintendo? lol?) to come out. Because usually the first games launched on a system gets the most attention. Just put out some impressive trailers and its sold. Because you know how excited we got when we looked at the graphics on the next gen while we sat at home with our current gen.

I remember playing GTA on ps1, then I seen GTA coming ...

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I doubt you will be flying jets and using parachutes in this game. So why make it sound like its going to be alot in comparison? I mean honestly thats just stupid.... Lets face it guys, its going to be a bunch of white guys in cowboy hats(Well your indians and such, but your picking up what im laying down). Your not going to see mexicans coasting down the street in their lowriders, or chicks on the beach in a bikini. GTA:SA's atmosphere is what made it what it was. You could go from the City...

5569d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think you guys are thinking the old school red and blue glasses. But these arent your typical 3d glasses. These are most likely the Tvs that take the shaded glasses. They resemble a pair of sunglasses, just so you dont look as goofy in them :P.

But seriously if you watch My Bloody valentine in a 3d theatre with special glasses, then watch it at home with your red and blue glasses you will see a big difference. Having a tv built for this 3d and special glasses is different then y...

5579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Piracy a benefit? HAHAHA... Please give me a logical reason as to how that is, or I'm going to continue to laugh at those kinds of remarks. Video games take alot of investment and ingame add will not make them alot of profit. If you expect to see an improved sequel they would need to see bigger game sells for a bigger investment. It's all common since! We shouldnt be making such lame excuses as to why game piracy is good. I see both sides of the story but its obvious which side is right.

5637d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment